3 years later...
Well, on 3/17/06, C had a dream about Christine ....see past post.
At the time, I said I could not read it... and then of course I totally forgot to circle back and read it...and now/today, as I re-read the old blog, I decided I can and need to read it...but not w/o a solitary tear.
I had my first dream with Christine in it this morning. I was up with Lauren from 4:15-5:30am. Lauren woke up at 4:15, and I had to change Lauren’s jams & onesie (she was super wet!) She didn’t eat much yesterday so I indulged her and gave her a bottle (+ I was able to put her medicine in the bottle). She’s had a drippy nose and slight cough. While I was feeding Lauren the bottle on my couch in the living room, it was starting to get light outside so I was looking out the windows. I saw a white light for about 5-10 seconds between the tops of the tree branches above the Lewis’ storage shed. I thought it was a plane, but it was stationery…not following a path like a plane light would. It was much bigger/brighter than a plane light. Then it just went away, like it was extinguished. I watched a few small blue sections of the sky where the light was just starting to peek through the free-flowing movement of the clouds. I went back to bed at 5:30, and this dream happened between 5:30-6:15am. The part with Christine in it was probably closer to 6:15 since it was the first thing I was thinking about when I woke up. My dad (who died almost 8 years ago) was in the dream, too. I don’t dream about him very often. The dream started out about him. He was living in an apartment and I was going to see him. He “buzzed” me in to the building, I went to his apartment, he was sitting in a chair, I talked to him awhile (I don’t recall about what) while standing inside the doorway, then I went back into the hall. I saw Christine standing in the hall a short distance outside my Dad’s apartment door. The hallway was pretty long. I was surprised to see her as I knew she had died. I knelt down and held/cradled her in my arms like a baby, and I spoke a few sentences to her which included a couple of questions. She didn’t say anything, but she did answer my questions. I don’t remember everything I said to her (it wasn’t much…only a few sentences.) I know I asked her how she was, and she told me “good” or “fine”. I asked her if she was having fun. I don’t think she answered me right away….I might have asked her the question again in case she didn’t hear me…then I think she said yes. I think the other things I told her were that I/we missed her, and I think I concluded with asking her to watch over Lauren. Then I woke up. After I woke up and laid in bed a few moments, I told Christine I’d like to see her in my dreams again sometime.