Tuesday, March 17, 2009

3 years later...

Well, on 3/17/06, C had a dream about Christine ....see past post.

At the time, I said I could not read it... and then of course I totally forgot to circle back and read it...and now/today, as I re-read the old blog, I decided I can and need to read it...but not w/o a solitary tear.

I had my first dream with Christine in it this morning. I was up with Lauren from 4:15-5:30am. Lauren woke up at 4:15, and I had to change Lauren’s jams & onesie (she was super wet!) She didn’t eat much yesterday so I indulged her and gave her a bottle (+ I was able to put her medicine in the bottle). She’s had a drippy nose and slight cough. While I was feeding Lauren the bottle on my couch in the living room, it was starting to get light outside so I was looking out the windows. I saw a white light for about 5-10 seconds between the tops of the tree branches above the Lewis’ storage shed. I thought it was a plane, but it was stationery…not following a path like a plane light would. It was much bigger/brighter than a plane light. Then it just went away, like it was extinguished. I watched a few small blue sections of the sky where the light was just starting to peek through the free-flowing movement of the clouds. I went back to bed at 5:30, and this dream happened between 5:30-6:15am. The part with Christine in it was probably closer to 6:15 since it was the first thing I was thinking about when I woke up. My dad (who died almost 8 years ago) was in the dream, too. I don’t dream about him very often. The dream started out about him. He was living in an apartment and I was going to see him. He “buzzed” me in to the building, I went to his apartment, he was sitting in a chair, I talked to him awhile (I don’t recall about what) while standing inside the doorway, then I went back into the hall. I saw Christine standing in the hall a short distance outside my Dad’s apartment door. The hallway was pretty long. I was surprised to see her as I knew she had died. I knelt down and held/cradled her in my arms like a baby, and I spoke a few sentences to her which included a couple of questions. She didn’t say anything, but she did answer my questions. I don’t remember everything I said to her (it wasn’t much…only a few sentences.) I know I asked her how she was, and she told me “good” or “fine”. I asked her if she was having fun. I don’t think she answered me right away….I might have asked her the question again in case she didn’t hear me…then I think she said yes. I think the other things I told her were that I/we missed her, and I think I concluded with asking her to watch over Lauren. Then I woke up. After I woke up and laid in bed a few moments, I told Christine I’d like to see her in my dreams again sometime.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Ema's day...

Although we have not met you, we know that we will...and when we do meet, we will certainly see the reflection of your caring parents in you...

Each time we see a rainbow, we see you and all those we've lost (for now) ... thank you...

Peace and prayers to Craig and Jacki and the entire Annunziata Family on this 4th anniversary...