Wednesday, June 21, 2017

6.21.01 - 16 years later

I can recall this date like it was just yesterday - sounds cliché, but it's so true.  I took C to the hospital earlier in the day in preparation for the birth of our first child on 6.22.01.  I came home alone, to a quiet empty house--knowing that our lives would change forever--that the house would soon be a home for three. I reflected fondly on our "double-income-no-kids" days, I reflected on the present moment, I had great hope for our future. I recall lying in bed - listening to the silence for what I thought would be the last time -- but it was not.  Silence returned on 10.30.05 and again our lives were changed forever.

- Christine Emily Mueller, we love you, we miss you and we're so sorry we've lost you ....

I love you,


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