Sunday, February 12, 2006

15 weeks vs. 15 days

CEM: As the 15th week without you has just ended, I reflect back on the start of this blog when it was day 15... Seven times the 15 days---can that really be possible.

I'm still so damn sad and lost without you but the hurt is somehow different. Not certain how to explain it, but those who've experienced this, Mark, Craig, Patty, you know what I mean. I continue to seek answers to questions, so many questions, not knowing if there will be answers.

Christine, I love you, I miss you and I'm so sorry we've lost you!!!!


PS: The ILLINI are having a hard time winning without you cheering 'Go Illini #1!'


At 2:26 PM, February 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that picture of you guys. Amazing how time passes even when it seems like it's standing still.

At 7:47 AM, February 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


As I am reading this on Valentine's Day, I am sure there is alot more sadness for you. I wanted to share a couple things with you that may help to brighten your day a bit!

Last week, I informed two people(hairdresser and accountant) that I had not seen for awhile, about Christine's death. My hairdresser was so saddened by the news that she gave me a discount on my haircut! (Actually, I had seen her in mid-November, but was not ready to tell her then)

So, since the stories were fresh in my mind, I of course, did alot more than usual reflecting about Christine.

The week before she died, I sent her a Halloween card. She called me and left me a voice mail thanking me for the card/$$. I saved that message, and whenever I need a Christine fix, I listen to her sweet, innocent voice! I did that last week!



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