Sunday, February 05, 2006

Who’s Larry?

On Saturday night last w/e, C and I went out to dinner with our neighbors (10 couples). If I’ve not noted it here before, I’ll note it here now…*we have great neighbors*. After Christine’s wake/funeral, C and I were told by many family and friends ‘what great neighbors you have’. It is so true!

Chris organized a great evening out! First we met at her house to gather and mingle. Had a nice glass of wine and then we were off in the rain. It's so nice that so many couples can get together like that. Anyway, once we arrived at Maggiano's, we began to socialize. Chris came over to our table and recalled a story of when she saw Charlie in the liquor store months back...she ran up to him and said 'hey Larry, how are you?' Larry, who the hell was Larry...we all cracked up picturing poor Charlie trying to figure out what was going on. The rest of the evening--he was Larry!

Our neighbors have all have been so supportive these last few months. They all came over to the house a week or so after the funeral to present us with a framed certificate of sorts that stated they wanted to buy and plant a tree in our yard in memory of special.

I cornered *Larry the Landscaper*, hey that works, to tell him about an idea I had about a tree and he mentioned that he's got a great idea in mind and that he could not share it at that moment. He spoke of how every plant in his house means something to him in regards to someone he's lost...Father, Grandmother etc. I teared up a bit. I told him about the tree Oak Ridge Cemetery wants to plant for Christine as well. I teared up more thinking of that. He grabbed and hugged me saying, 'We love you so much!' I teared even more and he said, ' and here we go...I want old Marty back...look what you do to me (as he teared up)'. --Something like that. Anyway, I know what he meant. He wanted to see the funny/upbeat guy he spent vacation with back in August. I'm not that guy and may never be that guy again...things are not the same. That's not to say there won't be good times ahead, just not that night.

So, this spring, we look forward to learning what is planned for this new go Larry!

Chris--thanks for organizing a great evening...even if it did not look like it, C & I enjoyed the night out and look forward to many more. Sorry we did not get to chat with you more.


At 8:48 PM, February 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss that attachment you have to your neighborhood; I only hope to have a fraction of the connection at our new home that you guys have there on Cathy Lane.
I am done with the Bereaved Parent book, will bring it next Saturday when I come over.
Love, T

At 9:39 PM, February 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will agree with Charlie. We do miss the M from before a great deal. MTC & I have seen such sadness in your hearts & we're crushed to see you like this right now. But your right this is you right now and who knows if things will ever change with you. The one thing that I see changed is the fact that you talk more about your faith then ever before which is very powerful. Also your reaching out to so many people in your kindness and that is powerful. I know you'll find that happy M again but it will come in time and you need happiness to help you through things. Like I said before laughter is the best medicine and you should not feel guilty about that ever. As the sermon was read today, now you need to pray to all these angels to help you find that happiness again. See ya Saturday and we are always by your side no matter what.

At 9:35 AM, February 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Christine would want you laughing.


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