Monday, January 30, 2006

Special Gifts II

Last week we learned of two more special gifts given in Christine’s honor from people we hardly know.

First a little background on gift #1: My brother Paul had an idea, years back, to spearhead a movement to get a proper memorial established at the Oak Ridge Cemetery for the Home for the Friendless orphans. The project is featured in the Springfield paper today. Paul approached the Cemetery Board with the idea and they liked it. So now, in a few weeks, a ground breaking for the memorial will take place. Paul has worked so hard on this project, he amazes me. The Board has now told Paul that they want to plant a tree, with a plaque, in this same area in memory of Christine…that is so special!

The second gift is once again from a friend of my Mom’s, who I’m certain has not met us. My mother received a note or call from Mary Ellen who wanted to do something special for them/us. She’s retired and has been writing children’s books as she gets inspired and then pays to have a local printer/publisher print copies that she can sell to local book stores. She’s currently writing a book called Mrs. Celerystalk goes for a walk. She wants to dedicate the book to Christine and have a picture of her placed in the front cover with the dedication…Wow!

Once again, these very kind gestures, from people who hardly know us, mean the world to us. C & I look forward to visiting Christine's tree and reading the book. Thanks so much!!


At 2:14 PM, January 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is not directly related to today’s post, but I want to pass it on.
Several years ago when I was at the bottom of my well, a good friend told me “God only gives us as much as we can handle, and boy, He must be preparing you for something.”
Looking back, my well is not nearly as deep as yours is, but I think his words are still true so I will pass on the same words as were given to me. “God only gives us as much as we can handle.”

At 4:03 PM, January 30, 2006, Blogger Bike said...

Thanks anonymous...I/we've heard that from others over the last 13 weeks as well. In time, I guess I'll know...

At 8:36 AM, January 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and Carolyn will know, but not now. You can't see it. Time will prove it to both of you.

At 1:05 PM, January 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for some answers, too! Impatiently, I might add. But your special gifts only prove how much your story has touched others, and that's a good thing. JJS

At 8:56 PM, January 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catching up on the blog after a few days. I think the blog in and of itself is therapeutic and healing. I know that it also helps those around you know where you are "at" mentally.
To quote the Sound of Music: "when god closes a door, somewhere he opens a window."
It hurts me every day to looks at my nieces picture (at work and home) and yearn to see her again. You and Carolyn have truly inspired me with your individual strengths these past three months. I know you had no choice in the matter, but you do have a choice about how to move on with life...
Love to you, T

At 10:55 PM, January 31, 2006, Blogger Bike said...

T---Thanks!!! That means a lot to us--coming from you, the rock of the family. Your courage and strength over the last 10 years have done the same for us and many others—very inspired!!
Luv ya,

At 10:18 AM, February 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is awesome and how powerful this is all coming from up above through GOD!


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