Thursday, February 02, 2006

Living life to the fullest...Grandma Tully

A neighbor and good friend of mine lost his Grandmother this week...she lived to be 105 years old! Although I've never met her, I get a nice warm feeling reading these articles about her life. It seems that she lived life to the fullest every day, believed in God deeply and spent her life committed to family and friends. She will be missed by so many--but now she can enjoy eternal life with God and my precious Christine.

Suntimes Link

Tribune Link

Obit Link

Mike, please know that we will pray for you, your Grandmother and your family as you say goodbye to Grandma Tully this w/e. May the good Lord bless you and yours in this difficult time.


At 10:10 AM, February 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my thanks M, so excited to get all this information that I can print and put in our memory book of her. Thank you for that beautiful comment on the signing how sweet. I too got to write my memories of her on site so thank again for making that public it's an amazing story. I'll have to give you our paper printed book made by one of her daughters of her life story. It is a cool story but very long and we are honored to have this in our life to share with our kids. As I looked at the date she passed it's the 30th, another one of my signs I believe in and the awesome thing is Christine has a grandma to teach her Irish jig if you don't mine. So thanks from the bottom of our heart from D&M.

At 10:58 PM, February 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What a wonderful life that was so full and so blessed. I enjoyed reading about Delia's extraordinary life in the articles and was amazed at the outpouring of fond memories in the Chicago Tribune's Guestbook. Three pages and growing-what a testament to someone who touch so many lives in such wonderful ways.

I think that after Christine and Delia finish their jig lesson they will move to god's garden to continue the tradition of growing tomatoes. They will then gaze over all the earthly gardens and will share with one another their fond memories.

Marty, Christine will be watched over and cared for by a woman who was wise, caring, and loving not beyond her years but through all of her years. Christine has so many wonderful people in heaven with her. They will and God will care for her in such special ways. Sods

At 9:02 AM, February 04, 2006, Blogger Bike said...

Thanks Sods...I was thinking the same thing about them's going to be really really hard to plant them w/o her. As I lay in bed this a.m., I was wondering if I could even attempt to plant them this year--maybe next year.


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