True Suffering
Movie review of The Passion of the Christ.

We all arrived at the lovely Batavia Basement Theater (BBT) about 5:20 p.m. to watch and share... but first we ate some za and visited a bit. Was nice to gather different groups of friends for this event.
After the movie, we shared thoughts...and discussed details.
My thoughts:
Very moving, powerful visual depiction of the last 12 hours of our Savior's life...a must see for all Christians who care to feel and understand a bit of the pain He suffered for us. It is much more powerful than going to your local church's Stations of the Cross.
Many, many people have told me they do not want to see it, and I respect their opinion. Excuses vary from, 'I do not want to see the gore', to much more personal reasons. I really don't buy the 'gore' excuse...for those (2-3) scenes, one can just look away or close your eyes. The main theme is obviously the pain He suffered for us, but there is much more to the movie than just gore. I hope that those who care enough to see it, will get past the gore and watch a great movie...I plan to watch it every year before Lent/Easter. It really sets the tone for personal suffering pales in comparison.
I know that Lent is a few weeks off, but in a way, I think our preparation for Lent began least for me--I will not speak for others.
Once again, thanks to those who came out and thanks to N/B for hosting...was a very special evening. Next time, Monty Python's, The Life of Brian.
My prayers at night are different now. Sods
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