ACB'c of Grief..."C" -III
C: Coincidence or Sign...I've noted many instances in this blog about what I believe to be signs from above...vs. just a pure coincidence. I do realize that my *God* senses are heightened, but I will now share yet another sign that gives me (and others) the chills.

As I read the 4 depictions of the Last Supper, I thought back on the picture/painting my grandmother had in her living room of the Last Supper. My brother now has that picture hanging in his dinning room. For a while now, I was thinking that would be a nice image to have in my dinning room as well. So, yesterday I searched the web for Last Supper images. I saw one by Da Vinci and read a bit about its restoration. Found a few sites that sell posters of it...then I moved on.
This morning, I turned on the TV while getting ready for work...which I do maybe once a month at most. I walk into the bathroom and kind of hear someone say something about Da I run back into the bedroom and see that the Today Show is broadcasting from Milan, Italy, before the Olympics this w/e, and Katie Couric is talking about Da Vinci paintings...moments later she's inside an old monastery or convent talking about this large image painted on the's Da Vinci's Last Supper. She proceeds to talk about the restoration, it's meaning etc.
You decide...pure coincidence that I'm reading about it, looking for it's image and then it's shown to me live on TV?
These signs will always mean something forever. You know I'm a huge sign person and as he said I give you signs every where. I truly believe he's reaching out to you in one way or another. If, just to tell you don't stop believing, believe more, share your stories (which you are) or even to let you Christine is safe and he watching over you. What ever it is he's showing something and letting you in his life too. I have so many signs that just have helped me deal with past things, it's truly unbelievable. That is the coolest and I love this story.
Christine is watching over you. If you haven't already, you'll dream about her, but it might not be for a long time.
(It took over 20 years before my dad appeared in a dream, but only a year for my brother to appear.)
Sure sounds like a sign to me. Sometimes I think you just have to be open to signs and you begin to see them, they seem so obvious. JJS
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