Sunday, February 26, 2006

Past few days summary

Thursday-another sign: We received a book in the mail this past week, from a friend who lost her sister Jennifer last year. I began to read Angel on Board on the train this week…as I sat on the train reading it on the way home I had to close the book and take a deep breath!

L-S-S (long story short), a husband/father Martin dies and is an angel in heaven and is trying to figure out *gifts* to give his family that he left behind, on the day of his funeral. He decides he wants to *re-give* his wife the Valentine's Day card from the previous year! He has to figure out how to get it to stick out of a pile of papers in her bedroom so she will see it the day of the funeral....sound familiar? As a fellow CRHP brother shared with me about another incident, he says “As a fellow CRHP brother says, "There's no such thing as coincidences, only God-incidences."” I like that.

Friday-Visitation: Early on, in this grief journey, I noted that I would probably not go to the cemetery much/regularly. After a field visit with a client, I stopped by this is adjacent to the trail project I'm designing---I can't not stop. C & I had only been to visit on Christmas. I first went to visit my F-I-L and G-ma Kutz. I had not been in years and took me a bit to find them…said a few prayers and went to do the same at Christine’s grave. Shed a few tears, but not many since I do that everywhere and anywhere…

Saturday-A single tear: At 5:15 mass last night, I noticed that I was not crying at the beauty of the music/songs or Gospel reading/homily...then came The Liturgy of the Eucharist. As I truly listed to Fr. Bernie, I began to well up and a single tear ran down my right cheek. Not certain what it may mean…but it is significant—I do know that.

After mass I saw/said hi to a few fellow CRHPer’s…wonder how many times I walked passed them in the last 15 years. Not anymore…they are my brother’s—very nice!

Our assistant pastor Fr. Phil will be moving on to become pastor at another parish. He was the first priest I spoke to on the morning of 10.30.05 and was part of the CRHP Team…I’d just gotten to know him and now he’s gone. As I sat and read the bulletin, I read about two priests that would assist in his absence. Knowing that I’d be missing Fr. Phil, God sent in an old friend. Fr. Mick, my old HS teacher, and friend that I spoke to in the weeks after Christine’s death, will be assisting with w/e masses…excellent! Will be nice to see him regularly...


At 10:15 PM, February 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi "Bike"... Well, tonight I had a definite God-incident when I read your blog. I'm grieving for my wife Jeanie who died suddenly in August, I've read Angel on Board, I've been in contact with the author, and I recently discovered a Valentine's day card from Jeanie under extraordinary circumstances. There's more, but if you'd like to correspond please jot a note to and she'll know how to contact me. Thanks.

At 8:10 PM, March 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think you'll find there are times when you won't shed a tear, and others where there will be nothing but.

I don't always visit the graves of my dad, mom, and brother, because I feel they live on inside. But from time to time I do. Sometimes I cry, others I don't..

I clean-up the area around thier stones -- there are the gorund level kind -- I know my brother's former wife cares not for his stone, but I do... I also visit my future resting spot -- not far from my dad, mom, and brother.. but I digress.



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