Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Dedication reflections

As I lay in bed last night, looking back/reflecting on the day yesterday, that, by the way, seemed to last for a week...I recall a few noteworthy items.

A friend noted to me in an email: 'My prayer is that you will find a small sign or some unexpected beauty that reflects the essence of Christine today.' Well, when I first read this, I felt some pressure to keep my eyes peeled for it...well, at the end of a very long day I note this:

In the hour before we headed over to the school, I got ready by taking a shower. As I was in the shower, I noticed a lady bug crawling on the ceiling above the tub-which contains a lot of plants right now. Later that day, after I arrived home from work, I sometimes take a shower for the next day--I know TMI--anyway, I was taking my 2nd shower of the day and noticed the lady bug with a friend this time...again, over the tub area. I did not think much of it other than Christine would have liked to see them.

As we were at the pre-school, in Christine's classrom before all the kids and parents came in, we let Lauren run around...I did not think much of it at the time, but now I recall that she was playing with the same toys Christine did just 22 weeks ago.........she went for the puzzles, which we've not brought out yet at home--Christine loved puzzles.

As I sat on the couch, watching the news, I noticed two rabbits chasing each other around the back yard. It was quite humorous to watch the smart rabbit eventually just sit there and jump straight up into the air as the other rabbit approached it. The not so smart, we don't say dumb or stupid in our house, would run towards the smart one and run right underneath the smart guy as he jumped vertically...The first time I saw it, I wanted to scream 'Christine, come see this' but caught myself. I sat and watched these rabbits repeat this about 5 or 6 times...never seen anything like it before.

I now know that Christine was seeing all of these things and she made sure that I was as well...it's so easy to not see or pay attention to little things these days, and I almost missed them...but at the end of the day, a good reflection of my thoughts and actions opened my eyes so that I would realize she was there.

Thanks Christine!


At 3:45 PM, April 04, 2006, Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

I'm glad you're open to noticing her presence!

At 10:45 PM, April 08, 2006, Blogger JoviFan said...


Nice post. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

At 11:12 AM, April 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is awesome. I'm so glad you saw Christine and I know it's hard to do. I know it's hard to not say her name she's every where and never will be forgotten. The kids still say there's Christine house when we go by, which was just yesterday and I always add Lauren to their sentence.



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