The Lighting
Yesterday...a special day for sure. Laura and Dave organized the lighting of 184 luminaries on our block and 75 others were done on the next block...the sight of this along with all the support of the neighbors and friends, was amazing. Near dusk, we stood in the driveway, in single digit temps, holding hands to sing Silent Night and Go Tell it on the Mountain--the pre-school kids sing it at school. I could not sing, since I was crying so much. We hosted an open house before and after the lighting so that we could visit with & thank these great friends who care so much. C made some of the famous Marty's mom's Italian beef sandwiches and some Cincinnati Chili. Peeps brought so many sweets, sides etc. that it was quite the feast. I walked up one side of the block and down the other with some neighbors, remembering things of Christine and just talking. Others who loved her, did the same. After all left the house, C and I walked the block to soak it all in...just beautiful!! We'd heard they would stay lit for 6 hours---expected to see them out by 10:30--still lit. When C got up at 3 a.m. for crying Lauren, still lit. And Laura said that Dave blew some out on his way to work early this a.m....amazing. A big thank you to Laura and Dave...what a nice tribute to Christine. Tini, I hope you saw how loved and missed you are.
Of course she saw! And I know it made her happy to see you remembering her, and to see you surrounded by love and compassion. You were celebrating her life and it was a tribute to her. To think her candles stayed lit all night! That brought tears to my eyes. JJS
The street looks so dark tonight w/o the 184 I found a few that did not burn/blew out and then lit the 8 or so in the continues.
Wow! You have amazing friends to hold you up this season. You are blessed. I hope you continue to find comfort on this grief journey.
Wish I could have been there. Thoughts and prayers.
Christine's light will always shine for us. Sods
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