Reflecting on Reflections (post #100)

It's midnight, I'm tired but not I'm here listening to Johnny Cash's Gospel Glory album/CD/mp3--whatever--, as I type aimlessly.
So much has happened since Easter including Easter day events that I want to blog I'll touch on the main theme and maybe backblog again...
Main theme...the Joy of Friends and the pain that is still ever present...not hard to figure that one out-bet we all could have guessed that theme.
C & I've spent some lovely time/evenings/lunch out with friends the last few weeks. We continue to seek that special time so that we feel connected and so that we remember to live for today and tomorrow...not just crying about yesterday---but that is always present. I can not even imagine enduring this pain w/o our friends and family by our side...these special relationships keep us propped up. Enough can not be said for these peeps!! I've tried to stay connected with some pointed emails over the last few weeks, but may convert some of them to posts...thoughts of peace, Jennie's anniversary, perspective, more baseball, books read & to be read, past Easters and more firsts to endure just around the corner.
That's it for now--just checking in at 12:12 a.m--
Peace 2u
Peace brother...prayers and thoughts coming your way...
Joy to come to your family is what I pray.
Blog if the Spirit moves you, but don't let it become a burden. Peace to you, too, especially today when we're all hurting a little more than usual. Thinking of you. JJS
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