NYE w/e '05
Well...much like the Christmas holiday w/e, I did not feel like celebrating much at all for NYE. On Friday 12.30.05, we went to my P's downstate to see them since we'd not seen them for Christmas. Lauren had fun opening the P's and Paul's presents for them--thanks for letting her do that.
I intended to lay low there with the family for the w/e, but knew that our friends would miss us at our usual NYE dinner that night. So, in true grief-Mueller fashion, I made the suggestion that we head north in the 11th hour. We went to 4:15 mass, where I saw my grade-school friend Bone. Always great to see him...has young kids and can relate to my pain. Bone, I will call you sometime to just BS.
We headed back to Chi-land after mass and went to--Insert name of property here--? I had indicated my reluctance to attend to Sods and Jay earlier in the week but then I thought I was being a bit selfish...they are all hurting as we are and so we joined them for the evening for a good meal with friends.

The mashed potato cook-off this year was fun. (Brian, you really won.) Of course, the salad is always good, and the dinner conversation was up to par. Sorry, I don't eat much dessert, but I'm guessing it was superb.
The evening was pretty typical, snacking on shrimp, cheese, *fire-brand* chili, catching up since the last time we all saw each other, eating the beast and watching the countdown with all-including some sleepy kids. After the small hoopla and picture taking in front of the fireplace, I left for a moment and when I returned, Sods was sitting on the couch with C, holding her hand and both crying...not certain what spawned it, but later learned, C heard a sad song on TV after the NYE celebration. I came in and just stood there crying...thinking of what a sad year it had been. Wishing Christine was there!!
Jay came up to me, putting his arm around me saying he was really glad we came and that it took a lot of courage to do so...I don't think it was my/our courage, rather the strength we feel and get from our friends that makes it happen...it truly is amazing. There was more hugging and crying with Sods and Sarah. I'd hoped to avoid all that, by not coming, but it does help to share/cry with friends who feel this great loss as well.
Everyone was glad we came and so were we...
Here's the thing: your friends would have been thinking about you and worrying about you if you hadn't come. It was good for them and you that you showed.
You salvaged that meat? Oh my. Wonders never cease! JJS
It is a hard realization that our friends are suffering too. I recall when that hit me. I am glad they are there for you. I hope you find some peace & happiness this weekend.
As I’ve been reading parts of your blog I keep thinking back to something someone said to me shortly after Christine’s funeral that I never shared with you.
The week of Christine’s funeral I did some really absent minded things like forget that Ryan had a field trip with Cub scouts so all the moms were wondering where we were and poor Ryan was wondering why he wasn’t going. I did a couple of other mindless things related to the kid’s school schedule and the kids suffered for it (messed up homework assignment due dates, etc.) The word began to pass around the school that someone close to our family had passed away since R and P were not at school for the funeral (We told their teachers of course). Anyway, I called one of the moms to apologize for the field trip blunder and I told her that I was kind of scattered brained that week because our good friends’ child had passed away, our Godchild. She said all the usual condolences and left me off the hook for messing up everyone’s plans.
A couple days later she stopped me at school to ask how you and C are doing. She said if I thought it would help I should tell you that a lot of people you don’t even know are praying for you. From the way she said it I know that she wasn’t just thinking of something nice to say but really meant that many St. Pat’s families are keeping you in their prayers. I thought you would like to know that. You, C and Lauren (and both your families) are in ours too. Sorry so long. S
We love you guys no matter where you are, who your with, whether you are talking or blogging, dreaming or sleeping. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Sods
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