Thursday, January 05, 2006

Lunch for 2, for 2 hours, times 2 (2x2x2)

I went to lunch last Thursday with a new friend and Saturday with an old friend.

Thursday 12/29:
I've only known Craig for a few weeks now, but we have so much in common...loss of a young daughter in 2005-enough said. We had intended to go to one of my (& his) favorite spots in the loop, but the evening before, The Berghoff decided to announce that they are going to close their doors in 2 months after 100+ years. So so sad, that's a whole other blog entry! So, the place had a line down the block, and we went to plan B.

Craig knew of a nice Italian place, so we went there to eat/talk/share. We spent lunch talking about how we feel about this tragedy that has been thrust upon us...about how others feel toward us, about how we'll get through not over this and on and on. I know we kept interrupting each other, getting off on tangents easily since we wanted to share these things with each other right then. Before too long, two hours had gone by and I know I had a few tears in my eyes more than a few times...once again--who cares. Patrons can stare and think what they want. It was nice talk to someone who knows exactly how I feel. I know that Craig and I are in slightly different grief *places* and that we're dealing with it differently as well--but that's OK. A new perspective from someone who's part of the *club* is very very helpful. Craig bought and I told him the next one is on me. Thanks Craig! I truly appreciate the time we spent getting to know each other and each others grief.

Saturday 12/31:
Mark (my best man and best friend) and I have known each other since HS, close to 25 years now. I met him at Darcy's Pint for a *shoe* while we were both in Springfield for the w/e. We sat at the bar drinking tea and pop for two hours, chatted about all kinds of things...did some crying, did some laughing. Days earlier I had just let Mark know about this site. He has a very busy life these days, with a wife in school and 3 young I did not expect him to have read much if any of the blog...I was wrong. He told me he read it one evening while his family slept. As a father & friend, he wept --- and so I teared up then knowing he was sitting there crying while he read it. His wife asked what was up, you typically don't cry while surfing the web, so he told her. It makes me sad that so many people are hurt by this event---Christine's death---that is so damn!! hard to type. I'm tearing up now---damn-it!!!

We spoke of some of the entries and spoke of the low times in both our lives. It's great to get together with Mark, although he has not experienced my exact pain first hand, he has lost his father and close uncle and he does know me very very well. His kindness and thoughtfulness are always there. Mark--Our angels are in heaven looking out for all of us. Old Chuck--take care of my baby girl!!

These simple lunches, sharing food and conversation with two different friends, have kept me going!! It gives me something to look forward to for the week/month and has helped me focus on what lies ahead. I look forward to another 2x2x2 very soon!!! Thanks guys!!


At 3:27 PM, January 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So that's what you've been up to! I'm glad. Sounds very good, very therapeutic. Keep it up. JJS

At 4:06 PM, January 05, 2006, Blogger Debstmomy said...

It is nice to be around people who "get it". So few do. I am glad you have freinds in your life that will walk this grief journey with you. It helps, it really does. Take Care today.

At 7:38 AM, January 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

M--yes, we are hurting. But you know that in time we will find ways to remember Christine that will bring us more smiles than pain. At least that's what I'm counting on. Always here for you & C--J


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