Taizé Prayer Revisited

Taizé Prayer-reflection and quiet prayer. We gather with each other and lay leaders, with whom we minister, monthly to pray for ourselves, our ministries and our world. Taizé prayer refers to chants that praise God or plea for God's help. During Taizé prayer evenings, the gathered crowd repeatedly sings each chant with the choir for several minutes - like a mantra. The repetition helps connect those gathered with God, while disconnecting them from life's stress. Taizé prayer originated with an ecumenical community of Christians in Taizé, France, who gather daily to chant and meditate together.
Last night I attended the Taizé Prayer service at St. Viators beautiful chapel. What a great service in a spectacular chapel! Can't begin to say how welcome that hour was. Life is so fast paced, stress-filled, blah, blah, blah...so an hour of Taizé Prayer is what is needed to disconnect from that and connect with God.
The Viatorian chapel is just a few miles from my house...never been before but wanted to see it and see how the service compared to the Taizé prayer service that was held weekly at my parish during Lent. The Viatorians hold this service monthly...it was so so nice. One hour of reflective music and prayer...so relaxing and peaceful.
I think I mentioned in a past blog that I was missing the weekly Taizé prayers that were held at St. Ray's during Lent this year. I'm so glad I found this once a month option, but would like to find another as well...would love to go weekly or at least twice a month.
As I walk in to the building, out of the corner of my eye, I see someone that I think I know. It is indeed the project manager for a major client of mine...and his wife. He said he's been coming for over a year to get grounded, get back to peace...that was accomplished that evening.
There were over 40 people in attendance with two women cantors, a flutist, a pianist and maybe more instruments...could not see all those involved--above and behind me in the balcony. The great candle lit chapel, great music/singing/chanting (mostly in Latin), the reading from Matthew/The Last Supper, the individual candle lighting/prayer, the silent prayer, what a beautiful hour spent...I'm hooked. And then they announce there is no service in July-doh!
I'm so hooked on this that I'm thinking I could find some of the songs on iTunes and create my own playlist of Taizé prayer for the train ride home in the evening...that would be great!
A special thanks to the Viatorians for providing this service to the community.
PS: Any local readers who want to join me for the Taizé Prayer service at St. Viators, please let me know. It's great, and I would love others to experience the peace...please feel free to join me...I would love for you to come with!
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