non-malignant meningioma -- no need to operate, it's probably been there for a long time, keep tabs on it via MRI every few years...excellent!
double-vision -- not related to the meningioma, probably related to a high blood pressure incident that popped a blood vessel connected to the eye and that it should heal itself in 6 to 9 months...again, excellent news.
I want to thank all those who prayed for my mother's health and I want to thank Julie D. for spreading the prayer word.
Woohoo!!! :-)
That is awesome news and prayers always work in their own ways. A great story my sister told me as I went home to visit our Aunt. That maybe these people before us that have past or are going through certain struggels are actually Angels sent here to help us see things in a different light. They keep us caring, helping and remembering others in special ways. I really liked what she had to share and thought you would like it too.
God Bless
Thanks Julie and Deb---your kind words, thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.
When I got the initial word from my mother about these new health issues...I did not *fret*-wierd. Part of me wants to say I've endured the worst, so nothing else compares--it'll be ok, the other part tells me the good Lord is in charge and it'll be ok.
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