Has it really been almost a year since I stopped this reflections blog...!!!
Well, since then I've started a slew of other very specific blogs to keep tabs on my prayers, my garden, the Taize services/locations, CRHP, MAC, Pennies etc...So, to keep it all straight I set up an index of the blogs -wip.
I'm thinking I need to jot down some of the more memorable events over the last 11 months...but DAMN, there are so many things that have taken place.
The most recent and one of the many amazing gifts was on Sunday June 24.
It was a 9:30 a.m. mass for Christine (2-days after her mass on her birthday) and we were surrounded by C's family in the back pews. The very active/feisty little Lauren was squirmy in the pew until C picked her up and she laid her head in C's shoulder facing me...then, as the intentions began to be read, I focused on the cantor --ready to say her name...and just before that happened, Lauren reached her little hand out toward me I grabbed it and held on tight...she let go shorly after Christine's name was read... I know Lauren is only 2 1/2, so she can't possibly have know what wasa about to happen, so it was as if Christine herself reached down to have Lauren and I hold's never happened before and it may not ever happen again...she's never very settled in the pew...but at that very moment--when I needed a sign--I got it! It tells me that little Lauren needs me/us and that her big sister is her to guide us through the tought years ahead.
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